The Providential Creed

I believe in God, the Creator of all things visible and invisible.
    Who brought forth mankind in his image and gave them care of His World.

Who, because of their transgressions,
    cast them from perfect union with the Kingdom of Heaven
        and punished the World by great Flood.

And after, so moved by the Faith and Love of one,    
    foreswore His wrath and blessed the Earth
         with the surety of His Love and Mercy.

I believe that Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God,
    was born, lived and died for the remission of our sins.

His love we remember and celebrate with each act of Thanksgiving.

His sacrifice we honor by seeking to bring our will into accord with that of the Eternal Creator.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son;
    who divinely inspires us to seek the will of God,
        guiding us in obedience to His Great Commandments.

I believe in one holy concord of all peoples,
    reconciled and returned to perfect union with all of Creation and the Creator,
        as it was in the beginning, and will be forever, world without end.


Grace on the Radio

The Order of Christ Existent

The Order of Christ Existent consists of ministers and laity who have chosen to take vows of service and commitment to their communities. The designation OCE confers on the person a public responsibility to to provide service, comfort and companionship regardless of faith, lifestyle, gender, age or race to all in need.

Every member of the OCE has identified their areas of calling and is active in those areas, inspired by Christ, directed by the Holy Spirit but governed by respect for the rights of each person for their individual beliefs, spiritual development and life.

No member of the OCE is permitted to evangelize as a condition of someone receiving their assistance.

Persons who have chosen to take the vows of inclusion in the OCE are also required to contribute documentation of their efforts to provide for a growing library of understanding of the nature and issues facing the human race and how best to increase the quality of life for all. Members of the OCE have also committed to an active path of spiritual development in their own lives.

Would you like to join the OCE? Contact us at to begin a dialogue with the Senior Pastor.